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Fly high little bird; Rise with the wind! You were born to soar!

Why Little Sparrow?

Matthew chapter 10 verse 29 says ,"You can buy two sparrows for only a copper coin, yet not even one sparrow falls from its nest without the knowledge of your Father. Aren’t you worth much more to God than many sparrows?" Little Sparrow is a reminder of how precious you are to the Heavenly Father! Each and every little detail of your life, every desire in your heart is precious in the sight of the Creator of this universe! Unbelievable, yet so undeniably true!

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Author’s Diary


Hello Reader! I am super excited to connect with you on this website!

I’ll be regularly posting on this page what God speaks to me – It could be a verse that touched my heart, brought to life by the Holy Spirit, or a burst of poetry, penned by divine inspiration!!

I pray and believe that these writings will bless you; that the Heavenly Father who loves you like none other, will revive you and cause rivers of joy to flow within you as you open wide your hearts to His precious words.

“The wilderness and dry land will be joyously glad! The desert will blossom like a rose and rejoice! Every dry and barren place will burst forth with abundant blossoms, dancing and spinning with delight…” Isaiah 35:1, 2 tpt

Prayer Request

No matter what you’re going through today, do not lose hope! We are here to pray for you! Remember, with God, all things are possible!