Author: little_sparrow
A Fresh Start

A beautiful new day, the world looks so beautiful today… Washed by rains overnight, the trees are a brighter green. It’s still early in the morning and the vehicles haven’t had a chance to cover the world with dust yet. The sky still overcast, but the sun already rising, music playing in my car, I am reminded of the goodness and overwhelming love of the Father who embraced me to Himself even when I was covered in the dirt of sin, loving me, washing me clean and beautifying my life… Giving me a fresh new start… What love… My heart hurts to think of His goodness – of how He stoops everytime I mess up and my head is bent… He wipes my tears, lifts my head… and I lose myself in His gaze of love and as the tears of love and gratitude flow down my cheeks… He smiles at me and tells me I belong to Him. I am precious. I remember and I look into His eyes and smile. ❤
His Glory shall be Revealed
His Eyes are on You

As I was spending time in the Presence of God this morning, God brought to my mind a picture of Ruth, the Moabite woman, bending over in the field, picking up leftover grain behind the workers. Head bent, a foreigner in a strange country, all alone among new people, she must have quietly worked, her thoughts to herself, no one to share them with, that I until Boaz saw her. The owner of the field saw this poor, lonely woman and had compassion on her. (Ruth chapter 2)
That’s when God spoke to me and told me His eyes of compassion, love and favour are always on us, His beloved, cherished children! He has never left our side. He cares deeply about what we go through, and even as we cross tough paths, valleys, He is right there with us, caring for us.
Dear reader! The One who created this universe, who owns everything in it – His eyes of love are on you! Rest in the knowledge that He loves you, cares about you and is powerful enough to bring to pass every good thing He has planned for you in your life! He is there right by your side, leading you on to greater heights!
Ruth, the poor Moabite woman, soon became the owner of the field! Her head was lifted high in the very place where she once bent down, picking up leftovers. Be ready, for your time is coming soon, when God will lift you up for all to see, and He will be glorified through you.